Healthcare Education Reform England – Response to Public Consultation 21/07/2016
Healthcare Education Reform England – Response to Public Consultation 21/07/2016
Update re Government Response to funding of Graduate Entry Nursing Education (GEN) – England
Due to considerable feedback the government in England has paused its initial proposals regarding changes to the funding of pre-registration, postgraduate education. It is now ready to consider placing GEN students on the same footing as undergraduate pre- registration students by allowing them to be eligible for student loans. The final decision regarding this has not been reached, (there is a further bulletin due out in the Autumn 2016), however for the academic year 2017/8 funding and commissioned numbers will remain the same across England.
The government has agreed to cover expenses students incur regarding travel and accommodation and child care costs. However it had decided not to continue the 12 month bursary payment currently payable to students who suspend their study for a period of maternity leave. HEIs are requested to discuss any maternity leave funding with Student Finance England, which suggests a possible extension of the student loan to cover this period.
Despite full details and the final decision being still pending, the GEN Network feel that this is a positive step and recognises the significant affect withdrawal of funding to GEN students would have on nurse education providers and the workforce at large.
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